Jees, now it's really almost the middle of November....where is the time going? I can't get a grasp on how fast it's really flying by.
October was a super busy month. In an effort to suppliment the slow swimming seasion I have officially become a consultant for a company called Thirty One. They sell all kinds of cute stuff, and for a momma who's as organized as I am, thier stuff is RIGHT up my ally.
Swimming is still going great! It's just slower in the fall and winter, however we are still going strong and we have just passed our 250th student. Actually I think we are closer to 300 now. It's been a wonderful year and I'm blessed to have things turning out this way! (Now if only I could find a way to have my own pool, I'd be set)
On to the babies....
Aiden is c-r-a-z-y BIG. He's talking all the time and he's such a great help when it comes to his little sister. He still has his moments but for the most part he's doing such a good job! He's learning so much at school and he has now mastered his new bike with training wheels. He's swimming once a week with one of my other instructors and he's doing such a great job. He's almost swimming on his own (CRAZY I KNOW).
Avery has been another story. Since my return from Florida our nights have been really difficult. She was waking every hour or every other hour. Basically she was using me as a pacifier and soother. We took her to her 6 month checkup (AGAIN, I KNOW....the time thing, RIGHT??) and she's growing beautifully. During our appointment I asked the doctor about letting her cry it out. We didn't let Aiden cry it out until he was 9 months old, but then again, we didn't need to either. He slept very well at day one. The doc basically told me that when I'm ready to get sleep, she's ready to cry it out. Needless to say, "operation Ferber" began that evening and so far SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!! The last three nights she's slept for almost 12 hours. Oh, and we also stop swaddling her which I'm assuming has helped too. YAY AVERY!!
She's an eating machine too. I don't know how she's still so tiny because the girl will put down some serious food. She'll eat two stage 1 foods a meal and then down a bottle of milk. She's definitely my daughter..hehe!
Halloween was a blast. This year the Callas family dressed up as Toy Story 3. The photo speaks for itself:

We had a blast and I'm already planning next year's costumes!!