We had the best time with her. We did a lot of relaxing in the back yard and on Friday before the 4th, we had a little birthday party for Aiden and Teagahn. Mom missed Aiden's first birthday and she isn't going to be here for T's so we decided to have a little party for both of them while she was here. We had some friends over and cooked out and Aiden and T got to open some gifts and have some cake! We had a great time.
We did a lot of swimming and Danielle and T hung out almost everyday. Aiden LOVES his cousing T. They are so funny together and they are growing closer and closer everyday.
I miss mom tons already. Aiden loves his grammy and I can't wait until October when we will be able to see her again. Until then we will spend lots of time on Skype talking to Grammy & Grampy James!

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