Sunday, September 6, 2009

Snowing Salt

Messes. There seem to be A LOT of them these days which I know is only to be expected. Today, Luke and I were trying to get some things done around the house and Aiden was screaming that he wanted to eat so I put him in his seat and strapped him in. I rarely do this anymore, but since I couldn't watch him like a hawk I decided to. I ran outside for a second to pick some things up in the yard and when I came back in it looked like it has snowed all over my kitchen table. Aiden had managed to pull the table cloth over so that he could get his little hands on the salt shaker and just had a party with it. Salt was EVERYWHERE.

UGGGGGH! All over him, the table, the dog, the floor, the chairs, IN HIS EYELASHES. I'm thankful he didn't get any in his eyes.

Just another fun day in the life of the Callas family!

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