Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Angel

Something strange is in the air.

I don't know what, but for the last two days Aiden has been an absolute delight. Maybe it's because we have spent some time apart earlier last week. Luke and I have done some major redecorating of the first floor of our house so we had Aiden go stay with his Nanna for a night, but with naps and working I really hadn't gotten the chance to spend quality time with him.

Yesterday after he got up from his nap we met my sister to do some Christmas shopping and he was so good. Usually he gets antsy going from store to store, getting in and out of the car. He remained so content all day. Danielle and T came over to stay the night and the kids just played so great together. We listened to Christmas music and danced around and had the greatest time.

Today, Luke had a football game this morning so Aiden and I decided to go watch. Again, Aiden was a perfect angel. He sat on the bleachers and watched his daddy run up and down the field, cheering him on.

Something must be in the air...

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