It started on Friday. Luke and I weren't supposed to find out the sex of the baby until this coming Monday. However, we were fortunate to be able to find out early, 11:00 am on Friday to be exact. Turns out, the Callas boys are capable of producing little girls!! I am absolutely thrilled!! We are stopping at two, so finding out this time was a little more special. We were hoping for a little girl. Having one of each makes things just perfect!
It was such a pleasant surprise to wake up to snow falling on Saturday. I love a GOOD snow. It turns out Aiden does too. He couldn't stay away from the window! He walked back and forth between the window and front door all morning pointing and saying "noooow". Last year he was still a little small to really appreciate/understand the snow.
This Saturday was special for another reason too. It was my BIG 3-0! Yes, I have finally caught up with the rest of my friends and have entered the dreaded thirties. I welcome this next chapter of my life with open arms. It can only get better! To celebrate the big day, Luke and I headed down to DC with my Aunt Cyndi. We went out on a boat to watch the Festival of Lights boat parade in old town Alexandria. Afterwards we got dropped off in Georgetown where we had an awesome dinner. It was such an awesome day (despite driving in the snow)!
What a truly perfect weekend!!
Congratulations, Noelle!! What a fabulous weekend for you and your family!! And, a girl!!! How wonderful is that??!!??! Can't wait for you guys to reveal her name. (I love hearing about baby names!!!) Happy 30th- it's going to be a great year for you. ♥
Sounds like a great bday! I am so excited for you to be having one of each! A girl ans a boy. Trust me you will have a perfect family.
I really enjoy reading your blog. It's been so long since we have had a chane to catch up. This way I am in the loop even though life has kept us apart for quite sometime. Let me know when you are having your baby shower. I will def come. 6918 Vantage Dr Alexandria Va 22306
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