Why do parents wish the time by? When our child starts to coo, we wish they were crawling. When they begin to crawl, we wish they were walking. When the begin to walk, we wish they were talking. Time just goes by way too fast. I'm about to have a two year old...that's right, A TWO YEAR OLD!
And there is no doubt that I have a two year old toddler on my hands, that's for sure.
Aiden is talking...A LOT! Constantly, in fact. He walks around the house rambling on. Most of the things he says are not comprehendable, but it's fun to hear them, just the same. He gets extremely frustrated when he wants something and I don't know what he's saying. So frustrated that he throws himself down on the floor and a tantrum ensues. It takes WAY too long to calm him down and once I do, about 10 seconds go by before it begins again.
Aye...Aye...Aye, that's all I have to say.
Oh, and when did he get so big that he bosses me around?
"No mommy!", "Come on mommy" and "Go mommy"
This is what I hear all day it seems. Ah, but it still makes me giggle inside sometimes. With all the bad moments throughout the day there are plenty of good ones!
He LOVES LOVES LOVES to give kisses and big bear hugs. He'll say "hug mommy" and that will just melt my heart. He loves to dance. When he hears any music at all he says "come on mommy, dance" and won't stop until you follow him and dance around (and by dancing I mean turning in circles until he falls down).
I love him so much it hurts...really it does. Today I sent him with Nana and Poppy so that I could get some rest and when he walked out the door my heart actually hurt. I have been missing him all day (but I really needed to rest).
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