Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long Time, No Post

Gees...have I been MIA lately. I come home each day with full intentions of posting and before I know it, it's 10 o'clock and I'm exhausted. Alot has been happening around the Callas household. Let's see...where to begin....

Halloween....Aiden was a HOOT...literally, he was a little owl. The cutest little owl you have ever seen. He helped me hand out candy that night...we had a blast together.
Aiden has been sick on and off for the last month. It did take 9 months to happen, but now that it's here IT SUCKS! First it was Bronchitis, then a double ear infection, and now the nasty wet cough is back again. On a happier note, he's moving all around the house. He's becoming braver by the day. On occasion, he will take a step in between toys, but it doesn't happen often. He's growing up so fast.

Work has been keeping us busy and how that the holidays are here it seems like things are only going to get CRAZIER. We decorated the house this past weekend and Aiden's face lit up (no pun intended) when he say the Christmas tree with all of it's lights turned on. At first he had a look of concern on his face, but that quickly turned to glee. I don't think I have seen a smile so big. He just loves the blinking angel at the top. It was quite a sight to see him so excited. I absolutely love this time of year and I am going to involve him as much as possible so that he will grow to love it as much as I do.

We also took Aiden to see Santa this year. I thought that he would do really well considering that I can hand the child to a complete stranger and he will just sit there completely content (we have to work on this). I guess the big white beard and red suit kind of changed things a bit. As soon as I sat Aid down, he threw a fit. We were able to calm him down just enough to get a picture. It's actually the perfect one..half crying and half smiling. Maybe next year will be better.

Thanksgiving was a hit this year. Unfortunatly, Luke has to work most of the holidays this year, AGAIN, but we managed to squeeze in a dinner on Thursday. We had his dad over and I surprised them with a Leg of Lamb. It was my first and I have to say it was excellent (not to toot my own horn or anything)..hehe.

Well that's a summary of the last two months. I will get better at making time to post...PROMISE!!

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