Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Of all the things that I can teach my children, one of the most important, I believe, is manners (especally with a boy). We are teaching Aiden sign language and this past week we have been putting an emphasis on please and thank you. Well....I am happy to report that Aiden now signs 'please' like a pro! It's really the only sign that we have gotten him to do consistently.

It's really incredible to see how much he's learning on a daily basis. He knows where his food is located in the kitchen so each evening he goes over to the cabinet, pulls an item off the shelf, brings it to us, and signs please while grunting that he would like some. (BTW...I hate the grunting. Is it a boy thing? I would rather they just not make any sound at all)

He's also putting things away when I ask him to. The teacher in his Little Gym class has made several comments on how he's always trying to clean up after the other children. For example, when it's time to play with the balls Aiden will run around and steal the other children's and put them back into the trashcan.

Momma's little helper!! Lets hope it lasts....right!!!

Here are some pics of Aiden at his WLG class!

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