Saturday, June 27, 2009


This year has been a roller coaster of ups and downs when it comes to sicknesses. I'm sure it will only get bumpier as we get older. Aiden spent most of February, March and half of April sick. Here it is the middle of June and he hasn't been sick since.

Well...that was until Wednesday :(

He woke up from his afternoon nap with a temperature of 103. I thought nothing of it really because this same thing happened last month and I gave him one dose of Tylenol and it went away and never returned. This time around I did the same thing, but three hours later the fever spiked back up. This went on for two days. The STRANGE thing is that there is nothing else going on (his noes is running a little bit, but it's clear). He's happy, eating, drinking, playing....all else normal, just this HOT HOT body.

I decided that yesterday, since it spiked back up to 102.7 that I would take him to the dr. I was betting on ear infection. He gets one everytime he's finished a round of teething and he is getting his incisors in right now. Off to the dr we went...

We saw Dr. Schultz who's not our normal doc, but he's great with children. Dr. S checked the little man out and there was NOTHING WRONG with him. I couldn't believe I said, I would have put money on the ears! The doctor did suspect Roseola.

Roseola (also known as sixth disease, exanthem subitum, and roseola infantum) is a viral illness in young children, most commonly affecting those between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. It is typically marked by several days of high fever, followed by a distinctive rash just as the fever breaks.

Nothing to worry about...we just need to wait it out. Here it is day 4 and fever is still around, but he's as happy as a clam!!

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