I don't even know where to begin.
There have been several differences in my pregnancies. With Aiden I wasn't sick or tired, well maybe a little tired, but never totally exhausted. I had a somewhat boring pregnancy (I say this happily, by the way). I was a week overdue when I had him and everything went by the book!
This time, NOT THE CASE.
During the course of my entire first trimester I was extremely nauseated. Then two weeks prior to my second trimester, I began to get physically sick. All that ended and I began to feel better. Then came our ultrasound. At 18 weeks we found out we were going to have a baby girl (which I am still in awe about) but that's not the only thing we found out. It seems that I have a shortened cervix. This was a little alarming to the doc, so she asked that we come back for a follow up ultrasound in 5 weeks.
5 weeks later, we showed up and got to see our little bundle again (which was so exciting). She was of course bigger now and STILL A GIRL!!! However, once again, we got bad news. It looked like my cervix had changed again, so the doc asked that I come back for a checkup every week. She said I could still work but that she just wanted to err on the side of caution (of course) to make sure there were no drastic changes.
Skip to Tuesday of this week....
ONCE AGAIN we got bad news. Things looked even worse and the doctor feared that my body was just weakening by the day and that now I really needed to take it easy and get out of the water. I broke down right there. The stress of this news, the stress of having just started my own business that was now flourishing and having to basically put everything on hold and of course the stress of not knowing the fate of our baby girl.
Amidst all of this there is some good news...the baby looks great! She's moving and kicking all the time!
SO...the doc wanted to run one more test to see exactly where I was with regards to going into labor early. She tested to see if my body was producing a chemical that typically shows up prior to doing so.
Wednesday morning we FINALLY got some good news. Chemical test returned a negative result which means it's VERY UNLIKELY that I will be going into labor any time soon BUT I still need to take it easy.
After scurrying around for the past 3 days, I am getting fill ins for my classes and somehow managing to keep it all together! The strange thing is that in all of this, I feel great. I feel better today than I have my entire pregnancy, so none of this news makes any sense.
All we can do at this point is take it day by day! Things will be fine and life will go on!
that's scary, noelle. take it easy! someone's trying to tell you to slow down... : ( it's a whole different ball game the 2nd time around. there's no time to rest when you already have a little one. i wish i could help with lessons. :( if i were at home this year, i'd totally volunteer. i'll keep thinking of people, though... REST! lots of love!
Oh Nole! I am praying for you - but slooow down!!!! I love you and hope everything will be okay.
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