I am having a really hard time deciding what to do with Aiden's hair. I love little boys with curly locks and I know that if I wait it out, he will have hair like this (Luke's hair is curly and beautiful when it's a little longer) but right now it's just lookin' like a REALLY BAD COMB OVER. I mean look at it....

Should I cut it or just leave it to grow. All suggestions welcome!
Awh! What a cutie. I can't say that I have an answer for you...I love the curls that babies get...if you wait too much longer you might have to pull it back in a clip - haha - jk! He is a doll!
Let it grow! It is adorable.
He's adorable. I was so sad when Michael got his first hair cut, but then he looked so cute I quickly got over the tears! At Aiden's age, though, all of his hair had fallen out and was just starting to grow back.
Whatever you decide to do, he's going to look absolutely adorable!!
Hope you're having a great week.
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