I went to the hospital and spent some of the day with my little sis and her new baby girl Teaghan yesterday. All I can say is WOW! They both couldn't be doing better. Teaghan is beautiful. She looks just like her daddy, but with my sister's nose (she was doomed either say..hehe, jk guys!) She has a head full of platinum blonde hair. Dan is also doing awesome. I got there and she was fully dressed and bouncing around the room. I know it was only 5 months ago, but I can't remember being so mobile right after I gave birth. Actually, if memory serves me right (it often doesn't), I was in bed for three days afterwards.....IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!

On a side note, for those of you who don't know, Aiden was in the NICU for 7 days because he was diagnosed with pnumonia when he was born. It was very rough, but he had two of the best nurses during his stay. For the last 5 months I have been meaning to send them thank you cards with pics of Aiden. Well, seeing as how I was going to the hospital to see my sis I thought I would just bring them with me and drop them off at the front desk of the NICU. As I was walking down the hall to my sister's room I happened to see one of the nurses. I introduced myself and explained my reasons for approaching her and when I was done she gave me the biggest hug and seemed so tickled that I would think of her. She remembered Aiden, and brought up the fact that on day two of his stay he pulled out his own feeding tube (stubborn from the beginning). I just couldn't help but thank her again and again for what she did for us back in February! It really made both of our days!!
Me too, Noelle! I think I got dressed for the first time the DAY I left the hospital! Did Danielle have a c-section or a regular birth? She looks fantastic, and little Teaghan is so precious and tiny!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Aiden is lucky to have a cousin so close to his age, they are going to have a blast playing together one day!!
Oh congrats on the new addition to your family and I love her name...that is so cute and original :)
The pictures are super cute...she looks perfect! Thanks for sharing ;)
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