Yesterday, I decided that it was time to let Aiden attempt to feed himself and boy was that fun. Applesauce and green beans were flying around the kitchen. He hasn't grasped the food to mouth concept. Instead he picked up his bowl and flung it across the room. I think there was more food on us than in his belly...hehe...FUN TIMES!!!

Bathtime is getting to be more fun as well. In the beginning, Aiden didn't like to bathe. He cried the minute his little bottom hit the water and didn't stop until he was wrapped up in his towel. Now he loves it. He sits in his little tub and splashes all the water out. Again..I think I ended up with most of it on me. He's at that stage where he's putting everything in his mouth so it's hard to keep the wash cloth away from him. Oh AND his cradle cap is back. I worked so hard to get rid of it and now here we are two months later and it's back....UGG.
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