From changing diapers to walking the dog, the members of the crazy Callas clan invite you to follow us on our journey of that thing they call life.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Favorite Time!!
Andy Williams definitley said it best.
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"
I love the holidays. I'm one of those people who starts listening to holiday music the second after THanksgiving and my tree is decorated that early too!
I love everything this time of year stands for. I love giving and if I had it my way (and a BIGGER bank account) I buy presents for everyone I knew. I love it that much!
I love sitting around in my Christmas pjs all day long, drinking hot cocoa, dancing around to christmas music and wrapping the hundreds of presents that I buy each year.
This year has been MORE fun because this year I was able to do a little something for my swimmers. Each student gets a little goody bag filled with fun stuff! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to give (can you tell)??
Christmas day is fun too, but in a way it makes me sad. It's almost as if people stop doing all the holidaysy (not a word, I know) things. That's why it so important to take advantage of all the time I have leading up to the big day!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me...NOT
When Luke got home everyone sang happy birthday to me with a cute little chocolate cake, but I could barely lift my head enough to blow out the candles. ICK
I'm better now, but this little bug still has it's grip on me. I'm hoping it's gone by Friday because I have a busy weekend ahead of me!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Scary Santa
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A future in photography
This morning as Luke was preparing to leave he came over to give me the usual kiss goodbye and Aiden just so happened to be sitting in his chair eating breakfast. He had a clear view of our smooch. Afterwards, Aiden says, "mommy, daddy, you kiss again, I take a picture!" (AHH, so cute, right??)
Unfortunately the little camera was nowhere to be seen. I have since found it and we'll give our future Ansel Adams another try this afternoon and of course, we'll post it for all to see :)
Until then....
Friday, November 12, 2010
October Update
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sleep, what's that??
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ah, I love that little boy more than anything and the love that I have for him grew in that moment a million times over.
Motherhood is the greatest gift I've ever received!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bathtime Fun!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mom's Visit
It's Official
Rollie Pollie
My baby girl is rolling over! I remember it taking a long time with aiden but Avery has it down! She did it for the first time a few weeks back but has started really rolling over while my mom was in town (I'll post about that this evening).
We have also started with the solid foods. This is my FAVORITE milestone and I can't believe she's already big enough to start.
Time is flying by way too fast!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Am I Being Selfish?
I was just recently given an amazing opportunity to go to Key West with some friends for a relaxing week in the sun this fall. Luke and I think it will be the perfect opportunity to get away and have decided to go (from Sunday to Friday). The only issue that exists now is whether or not to take the baby. She'll be 5 months old by then. I didn't leave Aiden until he was well over a year old, but I've done a lot of things differently with the second.
My MIL would be keeping Avery (and Aiden) if we leave her here and she watches her full time now, so Avery's very used to her. I could take Avery with us, but that's a ton of extra stuff to bring and I feel like I need this time to get a way, rejuvinate and come home with a fresh mind/soul.
Am I being selfish? I think I'll be fine once I'm there and relaxing but I can't help but feel a little guilty for leaving her so early. With Aiden it's a little easier (although I will miss him terribly too)!
On the flip side, it will be hard to pump for a whole week and then travel home with a ton of milk (but will it be that hard)??
UGGG, what to do?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Beep, Beep, WAVE!!
Today he has turned a new page in the "let's beep at random people" book. He's gotten our son involved. On our way back from Packs this evening (YUM) he got into one of his moods and started beeping at people. He went as far as to roll down Aiden's window and he had him waving at people too. I have to admin, it was pretty funny. Everytime Luke would beep the horn, Aiden would wave and say "hi" as if the other cars could hear him. It was sort of cute.
As we pulled in the drive way Aiden asked if we could go back out and beep at people. (SIGH..what has daddy done)
On another note, the Callas family had a wonderful day! Luke's been working 12 hour days for the last week and a half (he's in training right now) so we haven't had any family time. Today we took the kids to the pool, had a picnic dinner and then went for ice cream. It was so great! Even Avery went swimming today (for the first time). She LOVED it! I LOVE that she LOVED it!
AND....Aiden is putting his face in the water all by himself now. We put a swim belt on him today and he and Luke swam back and forth across the pool. Aiden was using his arms and kicking his made me so proud :)
What a good day..too bad it's almost over!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I went potty....
These are the words my mother in law heard Aiden say while he was scrunched into a ball behind the couch yesterday.
We are week THREE of the big boy underwear and things are going great. He's had four pee accidents and most of them were because he couldn't get to the potty in time. Yesterday we had our first "poopy" accident.
It's funny that boys just DON'T care that they have a load in thier pants. If he hadn't said something to Robyn, he'd have continued on his day as if nothing were wrong.
It's hard to get mad when he's been doing so well. I just hope he continues toward becoming completely trained!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I don't want to do it with YOU mommy!
I had a feeling this was going to be the issue with Aiden and swimming. When we go to the pool together he just loves to be in the water. He loves the big pool and he loves to swim around but he does NOT like to listen to me when it comes time to lessons. He and a neighborhood friend, Andrew do lessons together and they are both the same exact age (well three days apart to be exact).
Meltdowns have become a regular thing during our lessons.
In the fall, I've decided that Aiden will work with one of my other girls. He's come a long way but I feel like he'll do much better with someone else.
Here are some photos of our last lesson. This one actually went very VERY well!
Friday, August 6, 2010
With a BAA and a MOO and a....
Bedtime is one of my favorite times of the day. It's a time where Aiden and I can sit down in the quiet and enjoy time together. He makes me read like 10 books before bed and for the last 3 months we've been reading every Dr. Suess book he owns but we've moved on now (YAY)!
We are now on to the Sandra Boynton collection. One of the books is The Barnyard Dance. It's the cutest book and Aiden can read (or sing) along with me. He knows every word and he just loves to say 'cockadoodledoo'.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Our Babies!
I Told You
Aiden has aquired quite the attitude when it comes to almost everything these days. When we ask him to do something the first three words out of his mouth are "I told you" and they are ususally followed by "I don't want it" or "I said NO".
He's 2...he's not supposed to talk back to me like that already.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Our Baby Girl
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Mommy, they left me.
The other day Keeley had a friend over for the evening and both girls came to play with Aiden. They took turns riding him around on the scooter and he was having the time of his life. Later in the evening I went outside to get him ready for bed and he was standing on the sidewalk crying hysterically. Naturally I ran over to see if he was hurt and when I didn't see any scratches I asked him what was the matter. He pointed off into the distance and said "Mommy, they left me". When I looked up I could see Keeley and her little friedn riding off into the distance on her scooter. I looked back at Aiden and for a brief moment my heart broke a little for him. I tried to get him to understand that Keeley was a big girl and that she and her friend wanted to do big girl things together, but he didn't understand a bit. I just picked him up and gave him the biggest hug and together we retunred inside.
It was the first of many times, I'm sure, that I will have to console him.
Friday, July 16, 2010
To Blog or Not to Blog...
I can barely find time to breathe let alone blog about my days, however after thinking long and hard about it, I've come to the conclusion that I'm never going to remember things unless I write them down, so...
I'm back!!!
I'm hoping to blog daily but given that my life has been flipped upside down, we'll see how that goes!
Speaking of flipping, my life is C-R-A-Z-Y right now. Between my terrible (I say that in the most loving way possible) two year old, a 10 week old newbie, a dog who barks at EVERYTHING and a company that now has 9 employees, (whew, I'm tired just typing this) I'm just spinning.
Life is good, busy but good!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Where did mommy go?
These are the words coming from Aiden's mouth these days. It used to be "Come on mommy, no mommy..."
Just another indication that my little boy is getting so BIG!
Monday, June 7, 2010
She's all smiles!
I have lots of pictures to post...I've just been super busy and don't have time to breathe these days....but they'll get up soon...I promise!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Strange Habits
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Better Late than Never
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Our family of 4
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Stick a fork in me!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Cool Beans
According to the urban dictionary:
"Cool Beans. A slang term that actually began it's
use in the late 60's/early 70's. Popularized by the pop culture of the time.
Used to describe something very favorable or pleasing. Great. Very nice.
This is a COMMON saying in our household these days. Aiden walks around saying it all the time and I can't, for the life of me, figure out where he got it. (My neighbor told me yesterday that she has heard me say it from time to time so I'm guessing that's where Aid picked it up).
The other day luke was trying on some very intersteing pants for work and aiden entered the room, looked at daddy, turned to look at me and then looked back at daddy and said "cool beans". Then yesterday his Poppy came into the house and as he was taking his shoes off, Aiden said it again (don't know what he thought was so cool, but it was funny none-the-less).
It is truly amazing what our children learn on a daily basis and kids really do say the funniest things!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Playing Catch-Up
1. Aiden is such a big boy (I know I say this in every post..but it's true). He's riding a tricycle now all by himself. Downhill is easy, we're still working on the uphill part. Daddy needs to get him on board with his workout program to get those little ham hocks stronger ;).
2. We've recently discovered that he's acquired some of his daddy's acting talent. Yesterday while enjoying the day at my father in laws house, Aiden played a mean trick on all of us. We thought his arm had either twisted pretty badly or been pulled out of socket, but it turns out he was LOVING the attention he was getting from all of us thinking that. After about an hour of whining about how bad his arm hurt, it miraculously got better (part of me believes that he actually did hurt it a little).
3. He's talking so much. Everyday I feel like he says a new word. The other day in the car Luke sneezed and he said "bless you daddy". WHAT?? Where did he learn to say that? I love hearing words fly from his little mouth. We are still having a hard time understanding most of it, but he's getting better.
4. It appears that our baby boy has a horrible time with allergies (again, something that he acquired from his daddy). Since the pollen has been at an all time HIGH (it's disgusting really, when you go to dust your furniture and the duster is YELLOW) Aid has been sneezing, itching his eyes and his noes just runs and runs. He can't breathe either, which makes eating very difficult. He has to eat with his mouth WIDE OPEN so he can chew and breathe. Poor guy!
5. He's starting to pee standing up. One day we go into the bathroom and I go to place his potty seat on our toilet and he begins screaming at me..."No mommy". He runs over, grabs his stool and proceeds to stand in front of the toilet to pee. Mind you, that we have taught him to aim down so that he doesn't pee all over the place (while sitting). Now that he's standing we are trying to retrain him to aim away from himself, which ISN'T and easy thing to do. I can't tell you how many times he's peed all over his legs because he can't grasp the concept. I think we will try the cheerio trick. I've heard it can be very successful!
Avery Update:
Where do I begin. Here we are 37 weeks later...and STILL pregnant. I know everything that's happened up until now was for good reason, however it's been so hard to remain positive through this pregnancy. I'm very ready to see this little girl's face, that's for sure!!
I was so lucky to receive bags and bags of clothes from several friends and my sister. I've been spending LARGE amounts of time sitting in her nursery piecing outfits together and hanging them all neatly in her closet. Her nursery is almost done. I think the only thing I have left to buy is a rug. Last week my mother in law and I spent an entire day putting baby swings and bouncing chairs back together. I bought a few last minute things this weekend and I finally feel like I'm ready. Even her little bag is packed (I wish I could say the same about mine). I'm sore, can't sleep and just want her to get here...did I say that already?
So...there you go. I've been slacking with my posts, but I've had a lot of things going on lately. It's only going to get crazier, but I say BRING IT ON!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Apparently he's having good and bad days. Some days she says he only cries for a half hour...but I still feel that it's way too long for him to be crying. Yesterday she said he had a really rough day and that whenever she couldn't give him her undivided attention, he began to cry. I can't help but feel guilty that I'm the reason he's acting this way. It's so hard to go from being with mommy or Nanna all the time to being with some stranger who has to share her time among four children. UGG...what's a mommy to do?
I don't want to pull him, I feel like he's going to act like this where ever he goes. He needs this structure and now that I'm back to work, we have no other choice. If there was only something that could soothe his anxieties (besides time).
I know that eventually he'll get over this, but it's so hard to see him like this every day. I know he likes it there. If he knows he isn't going, he talks about the place all day long. But as soon as you tell him he's going he has a melt down.
Usually I don't want the time to pass, but in this case, it wouldn't hurt to speed up a bit :)
It will get will!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
33 weeks and counting
Let's just say I'm very ready to have this little lady!
We went back to the doc this week and they actually didn't check me (I normally get my cervix measured every week). We listened to the heartbeat, which was very strong, and I went on about my day!
We are 33 weeks now and it's been 15 weeks since my cervical disorder was discovered. I have been to the doctor every week for those 15 and I'm ready to be done. I'm ready to hold this little bundle of pink in my hands and snuggle with her and give her the biggest mommy kisses ever!
The good news is I feel great. Aside from the sleepless, uncomfortable nights, I'm good! She's kicking the crap out of me on a daily basis, so she's good too!!
7 more to go...I can do this, I CAN!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Big Boy Bed!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
"Mommy Eat"
We headed over, grabbed some yummy CFA and off to the park we went. We enjoyed our yummy lunch and then played on the playground for a while with Aunt Dan and cousin T! It was a stupendous day!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Physician Frustration
For those of you who don't know, I've been diagnosed with a weak or short cervix, which makes keeping a baby in, a bit of a challenge. No one knows if I had this condition when I was pregnant with Aiden and there is really no way of knowing. SO...this go round we've been taking precautions and I have been to the doctor EVERY week since week 23 (I'm 31 now). This whole time I have been optimistic about the situation, partly because I feel great and partly because that's how I'm trying to live/look at life these days. BUT, I'll tell you, my doctor is making it very difficult for me to remain that way. I know she is a professional and she deals with this sort of thing all the time, however when you are dealing with someone else's life, don't be wishy washy. Tell it how it is!
For example, three weeks ago I went in for a visit and the first things she says after reviewing my charts is, "Good job, things look stable.". At the end of this SAME VISIT I believe her words were, "things look a little weaker". I felt like saying "THAT'S IT?? That's all you have to say?"
For three weeks I have got a "good job, things are stable" and then all of sudden last week I got "well there's not much of a cervix to talk about Noelle". Again, that was it. No metion of bed rest, no mention of anything else. You'd think if things looked that bad, they would have me off my feet all day, but nope..not the case. I'm just very confused and think that maybe it's time for a second oppinion. I do have 9 more weeks to go and I can't spend all that time worrying about what will happen.
I'm frustrated....just plain frustrated!
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Great Snow of 2010!
Aiden had a great time sledding through the three feet of snow (I think daddy had an even better time though)!
I felt really bad because I couldn't help Luke shovel so I had to chase Aiden around the block. He loved playing in the snow so much. Every time I turned around, his face was buried in the snow trying to eat it. His poor little cheeks were bright red after 5 minutes. I even caught him trying to eat some dirty snow (good thing it wasn't yellow)!
I do love the snow, but I must say that I've had enough. On to spring already!!