Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hello Again!

I'm back. Wow, I can't believe it's been over three months since my last post. I'm crazy busy these days. We are well into swim season and business is booming. We are now running the swimming programs at the Winchester Country Club along with the indoor pool and my outdoor community pool. Luke and I are also in the process of purchasing a pool management compnay, so needless to say, I have NO time to blog.

The babies are growing so fast. Avery turned 1 on Mothers Day. I can't believe it. I'm very emotional about this one. I've been an wreck for the past few weeks leading up to her birthday. She is my last baby and I'm holding onto it as long as I can. Nursing is wrapping up too and I'm having such a hard time with that as well. I'm ready to be done (REALLY) but I'm not at the same time. Again, I think since she's my last it makes it really hard to let go.

Although she is 1 now, she's still so tiny. I still use my carrier (yes she still fits). Aiden was out of that thing at 8 months, but not her. We had her year check up at the doctors last week and she's only in the 20th percentile for weight and height. She easily fits into 9 month clothes still which I guess is really a good thing since a good friend gave me SOOOO many cute 9 month summer clothes (there's always a silver lining, right?). She may be small but the girl can eat. I've never seen a little person eat so much. Her dinner plate is bigger, yes BIGGER than her BIG brother's. It's crazy. Where does all that food go?? On top of being small and a BIG eater, she's a talking machine. Her vocab is amazing. It's so interesting to see the differences in the two kids. Aiden, at her age, was walking well but not talking much. She is just the opposite. She loves to crawl (NOT walk) but she talks and sings all day long.

Aiden has grown so much too! He begins preschool full time next month. We've decided given all the issues we have had (and are still having) with daycare that it's time to get routine and structure into his life. He'll begin his full time school on the 13th of June and I just know he's going to love it! It's amazing to see how much he's grown, just since his birthday.

The "terrible 3's" are in full gear at our house. He's hitting so much lately and I'm struggling with it every day. I'm hoping it's just another phase and that it will pass SOON!!

Life is GOOD! I wish it would slow down a bit though!