Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Brief Catch Up

Well where to start. It's been a while since I posted last. Aiden is growing like a week..changing in so many ways each day. I come home and it seems like he's learned a new trick, or word. I can't believe how smart he is. He's really beginning to test our boundaries.

He's a BIG climber. Anything he can climb on he will. We have stool in our kitchen that use to get to the higher cabinet shelves. It's Aid's new favorite toy. He loves to climb up on it and see what mommy is doing. We now have to move EVERYTHING away from the edges due to tis new skill.

Two weekends ago I took a trip to New York City to see some very good friends of mine from college. Luke was working nights so my mother in law took Aid for the weekend. This was a HUGE step for me, being away from him for so long. While I thoroughly enjoyed every minute with my dear freinds, it was good to get back to see my little man. Robyn came to pick me up from the airport on Sunday and when I hopped in the back seat to greet Aiden his eyes lit up so big and bright. It melted my heart.

Last week was his last w/ Miss Tracy's daycare. We really did love Tracy but we were beginning to have some real issues...and due to the economy we were forced to pull Aid. Luke's mom is retiring soon and she will be watching him 2 or three days a week. I am looking forward to that very much!

Aiden's newest thing is swatting. When he gets really angry about something, he will go over to the nearest thing (person or not) and swat at it. Sometimes he will knock things over. It's so hard to not laugh at him when he gets going on one his swatting tantrums. On the bright side...spring is here and the flies will be out soon....hopefully he can put some of that swatting to use ;)

Until next time.....
Aid LOVES LOVES LOVES to brush his teeth now...let's hope this lasts!!

Bathtime is ALWAYS a good time!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spaghetti Feast (or as I like to call it...Fiasco)

Dinners are interesting in the Callas household. It's all about timing, getting things done in such a way that everyone can eat together. It rarely happens like this because Aiden is particularly impatient when it comes to dinner but last week, since Luke was working nights, I was been able to sit down and enjoy dinner with Aiden. This is mostly due to the fact that I cook dinner the night before, that way all Luke has to do is warm it up the next night, and we will usually eat the same thing.

Monday night I cooked spaghetti w/ meatballs so that we could eat it for dinner on Tuesday. I know Aiden likes spaghetti, but I was unsure about the meatballs. I have offered meat to him on several occasions and he usually spits it out. I prepared his dish, sat it on his tray (BTW, we have gotten rid of his big high chair and now he's sitting in a portable booster-like seat) and that's when the chaos began.

You would have thought that this child hadn't eaten in days. He just started shoving noodles and peas and meatballs into his mouth like a wild child. Sauce went flying...most of it ended up on his face, and the floor of course. It was really quite a sight. I am just delighted that his appetite is so healthy!

Unfortunatley, it makes for a long clean up...but TOTALLY worth it!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Of all the things that I can teach my children, one of the most important, I believe, is manners (especally with a boy). We are teaching Aiden sign language and this past week we have been putting an emphasis on please and thank you. Well....I am happy to report that Aiden now signs 'please' like a pro! It's really the only sign that we have gotten him to do consistently.

It's really incredible to see how much he's learning on a daily basis. He knows where his food is located in the kitchen so each evening he goes over to the cabinet, pulls an item off the shelf, brings it to us, and signs please while grunting that he would like some. (BTW...I hate the grunting. Is it a boy thing? I would rather they just not make any sound at all)

He's also putting things away when I ask him to. The teacher in his Little Gym class has made several comments on how he's always trying to clean up after the other children. For example, when it's time to play with the balls Aiden will run around and steal the other children's and put them back into the trashcan.

Momma's little helper!! Lets hope it lasts....right!!!

Here are some pics of Aiden at his WLG class!

Monday, March 9, 2009

One BEAUTIFUL weekend!

All is can say is wow. What a gorgeous and wonderful time we had last weekend. Saturday we started the day off wtih the Little Gym. Aiden is really enjoying this time he has to basically run around and play for 45 minutes. He's such a little helper too. When it's time to play with the balls, he runs around and tries to put them all back into the trashcan for the teacher (usually this happens BEFORE it's time to put them away) but he's helping none the less.

After the gym, we headed home for a good nap and then Stacie, Aiden and I headed to winchester to meet Kim. We had lunch and then headed to the park. This was Aiden's first real trip to the playground and it he had such a blast. He thought he was a big kid though, trying to climb the "rock" wall and what not. While we were there, he spotted a lab across the park and threw a fit until he was able to go see it a little closer. After the park, we headed to a birthday party at the Polka Dot Pot. That place is really cool. We got to pick out something and paint it. Aiden doens't have nice piggy bank so we chose one in the shape of a monkey. (I chose the monkey b/c it was the easierst, least creativity needed item to paint.

After the party we went home and cooked out on the grill with some friends.

Sunday we headed to my dad's new house. He just moved into this beautiful home out past Winchester on 5 acres of land. We enjoyed lunch and then afterwards we headed down to the playground. Dad's wife took Aid for a spin on the 4 wheeler, which he thoroughly enjoyed. We had a really great time.

Aid exploring the grass...he didn't like it too much

Aid and I having a blast swinging!

He really LOVES to swing!

Monday, March 2, 2009

One Extreme to the Next

If you have been following my blogging lately, then you already know that our family has been sick and for a while Aiden had not been eating...or at least eating normally. Well my friends, let me tell you...THAT HAS CHANGED. For the last several days, my child has been a hoover when it comes to meal time. For example, yesterday for breakfast he ate the following:

1/2 of a banana
3 mini pancakes
a cup of blueberries
1 yogurt

OH YES...I'm still going...

a cup of milk
a slice of raisin bread

GEES! He's and Luke told me that it was the same for lunch. For dinner he ate 4 dino chicken nuggets, an ENTIRE can of peas, a biscuit and for desert he had a fruit cup. Then he drank an big cup of milk. WHOA!!!

I don't even eat THAT much. I'm glad my little baby is healthy and eating again!!

A healthy, happy boy...trying his best to be like daddy
and keep the floors in the house dirt free!!