Wednesday, July 9, 2008


All I have to say is YAY! For the first time in who knows how long I got five and a half hours of CONSECUTIVE sleep! Apparently the Ferber sleep method is working for Aiden. He fussed for about two minutes last night and then fell right to sleep. I went down about an hour after he did and then at around 4:30 this moring I jumped up out of bed and ran to his room thinking that something must be wrong. To my surprise, there he was sleeping so peacefully. I wanted to pick him up and give him the biggest hug and just scream thank you as loud as I could...but of course I didn't, I wanted to go back to sleep!

It really is amazing how much better they feel in the morning after getting long hours of sleep themselves. The last two mornings I haven't even heard him, he is just playing in his crib and he is so happy when I come into the room. He looks up at me and smiles and it makes my heart melt. Again I say...MOMMYHOOD IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!

1 comment:

katie k-h said...

There's nothing like a good 4.5 or 5 hour stretch of sleep, is there? : )

That is fantastic that the Ferber method is working for your little guy!! Yay!!

Life is so much better when everyone in the family has enjoyed a good night's sleep.

Loving your blog, Noelle.
