Thursday, November 12, 2009


Man, I have really been MIA lateley from blogging. I am just so busy with life. Let's see....things going on in the WORLD OF CALLAS:

1. WORK-it's going really well. I'm about to hire someone on for 2010 because I have taken on so much business that I can't handle it all by myself. I am also trying to get my website done(with the help of my wonderful mom, LOVE YA MOM).
2. CHILDREN-for those of you who don't already know, we are expecting our second child in May...the 9th to be exact. I'm now 14 weeks along and man, has this pregnancy been rough. With Aiden I felt great, from day one on. I have been so sick this go round and I'm hoping, NO I'M PRAYING that it goes away soon!
3. AIDEN-technically he should be part of number 2 but lately he's a category all of his own! He's talking so much now, saying so many words. He is even saying a phrase now, "there it is"! OH, and the MELTDOWNS...they are a pretty common occurance these days. Whenever he hears the word 'NO' he just loses it. It was amusing at first, now it's just plain annoying. Ah, the phases. Let this be a quick one!
4. HOUSE- since our patio has been done, we were able to get some room opened up in our house, so we have decided to do a complete remodel of the downstairs. We are basically going to rearrage rooms, making our living room space much larger to accomodate TWO children's things, instead of just one :) In addition to this, I have already began to 'nest' therefore I will be purging all of the unnecessary things from this house. PLUS, I have to pull out all the 'fat Noelle' clothes because I have already popped out and can no longer fit the size 2 that I worked so hard to get into (I know this is a good thing..but can't a girl dream about her size 2 jeans)!! Switching out wardrobes is no easy task...this alone will take days.

See...I have been busy. No time for blogging. I'll try harder though...need to keep those memories alive somehow!

1 comment:

katie k-h said...

Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well, aside from feeling icky! Aiden is precious and is growing up so quickly! Enjoyed reading your update, Noelle. ♥