Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Norovirus, AKA "Pain in the A#%"

I don't get sick, Luke doesn't get the 5 years that we have been together I think we each have thrown up maybe once from being sick and it was a fluke thing each time. how things change when you have a child. This past weekend was Aiden's big par-tay and someone showed up with a nasty little bug and IT HAS ATTACKED MY FAMILY...AND THE SWEENEY FAMILY AND SEVERAL OTHERS THAT WERE IN ATTENDANCE. Not only do I feel bad b/c all these people got it at my house but I feel bad b/c I feel bad, well I felt bad...literally.

The VA Dept of Health has issued a statement that a norovirus has struck VA

It's really the most horrible thing...this has been my week thus far:

Sunday- Luke was working while Aiden and I were laid up all day sick, Aiden was spewing from both ends, I was achy and feverish and my stomach was in knots
Monday- I was still sick but I went to work and toughed it out all day..Aiden stayed home with daddy and seemed fine but was still spewing from one end (YUCK) and wouldn't eat any solids
Tuesday- Luke wakes up spewing from both ends....I take Aiden to daycare only to have to pick him up early b/c he's still blowing out his diapers and he's running a fever. I am starting to feel a little better, but my stomach is still knotty.
Wednesday- Luke's better, I'm better, but poor little Aiden still has diarrhea which has given him diaper rash and he won't eat much of anything. Oh and the dog's puking too...WTF?

Tomorrow is Aiden's 12 month checkup so we will have the doctors give him a good look over then. I'm pretty sure they are going to tell us that there is nothing they can keep him comfortable and hydrated.

In addition to Aiden having this "Pain in the A#$" sickness, he's also getting some teeth. He's been gnawing on any and everything he can fit into his mouth. I must say though...he has been the best sport. He's really been the best sick kid imaginable. He whines a little bit but other than that, he's buisness as usual. Yesterday he was even dancing. His idea of dancing is spinning around in circles until he falls down. I meant to get it on video but I couldn't get to my camera in time. Hopefully I'll catch it next time.

Until then...

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