Tuesday, August 26, 2008


UGG...it's begun. The gnawing and chewing on everything, the drooling, the contstant whining and worst of all, the screaming at bedtime. I guess I really didn't think it was going to be THIS bad. Aiden has been such a great (and when I say great I mean REALLY wonderful) baby and now we've hit a bump. With a little help (Oragel, Motrin and teething tablets) well get through it. There's no pearly white poking through yet, but I'm eagerly anticipating it's arrival. We gave him a teeching biscuit the other day and he tore it up...


katie k-h said...

He's so incredibly cute, Noelle! I love his cheeks!!

Teething is definitely not a fun experience. And, just when you think he is done with one, another tooth will pop out!

Love the updates!


Anonymous said...

I know this might sound funny but try using frozen waffles. They are a bit better for him than the theething toast and ALOT less messy! I also used frozen bananas and frozen mangos with my daughter. I just put them on popcicle sticks to keep her hands warm and then freeze for at least a hour or so. They work wonderful

Anonymous said...

Poor kiddo! I've often times heard that adults couldn't handle the pain if we had to expereince it now :) I love the pics that go with your posts
