Sunday, June 28, 2009

Roseola, Part 2

The fever has gone, and now the nasty rash has reared it's ugly head. It appeared this morning and it's all over his little body, even on his face. I've seen pictures of other children with the rash on them and Aiden is very lucky! His isn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

Through it all, he has been a little angel (well for the most part ;)). You wouldn't know he was sick. I'm definitley glad the fever is gone though. I had a hard time sleeping knowing his fever could have spiked up over night.
We had a very lazy day today. Luke worked all day, so Aiden and I layed around the house. We were supposed to go swimming with our neighbors, but the sun decided to hide all day. It was nice to do NOTHING though....sometimes we need those days!!!

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